Signing of two agreements for the tapping of potash and phosphate

10 Jul, 2018

Two mining  agreements were signed on July 10th, 2018 in Brazzaville (Republic of the Congo) between the Congolese Minister of Finance and Budget, honourable Calixte Nganongo, and the companies Cominco and Luyan  des mines du Congo in the presence  of his counterparts Pierre Oba, Minister of Minining and Geology and Fidele Dimou, Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation.


The signing of the two conventions are respectively about the concession of the potash ore of Mboukoumassa and of the phosphate deposit of Hinda.  The signing of the agreements is going to be for a period of 25 years and considered as the first stage of implementation of the projects. After this stage, the signed conventions will be sent to the supreme court for review  so as to determine if they  comply  with the laws. It will also be sent  to   the council of ministers  for adoption before they are passed as laws by the parliament.


The minerals targeted  are often used for the making of fertilizers, laundry products, food additives and soft soaps. They are important for farms and marketing. «The exploitation of the deposits will enable  Congo to be well positioned at the regional and international levels», said Mr. Marie Louis Djama, Chief Executive Director of Mining. The agreement signed wih Luyan company is about tax exemption, transport of products and environmental aspects. The two projects will be implemented step by step based on the availability of funds It is also the case of the company Cominco. «The main project amounts to 6 million dollars, which is around 4 billion CFA francs. This project is not going to be easy to fund. We are lucky to start with the first stage which amounts to 40 million dollars or so» said the CEO of  Cominco Patrick Stevenaert. 


As regard the issue relating to environmental assessment resulting from mining activities, the heads of the two companies reassured that they had received  the compliance certificate . «We have carried out  a comprehensive  environmental and social assessment that we have submitted to the Congolese government for review»  Patrick Stevenaert said.


Press Department  of the  Ministry of Finance
