The General Directorate for the Economy is the technical body which assists the Minister in the exercise of his powers in matters of economic policy, economic studies and economic cooperation.
The Directorate General for the Economy is managed and run by a Director General, in addition to the management secretariat, the IT department and the communication department, it includes:
The Economic Regulation and Investment Monitoring Department;
The direction of studies and economic forecasts;
The Department of Economic Policies and Strategies;
The direction of economic cooperation;
The direction of administrative and financial affairs;
Departmental directorates.
The Directorate General for the Economy is responsible in particular for:
Propose and monitor the development of economic policies;
Carry out any useful study in the economic field;
Carry out surveys on the Congolese economic situation;
Develop short and medium term forecasts for Congo and the international environment;
Develop, where appropriate, with the administrations concerned, legislation and regulations relating to economic activities and ensure their application;
Ensure the permanent secretariat of the National Investment Commission;
Participate in the development of global and sectoral development strategies;
Participate in the macroeconomic and budgetary framework;
Participate in the physical control of the commitments made by the contracted companies;
Participate in the preparation of the balance of payments;
Monitor the implementation of agreements made within the framework of regional economic communities, the World Trade Organization, the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa and any other international economic cooperation organization;
Participate in program negotiations with external technical and financial partners and monitor their implementation;
Participate in statutory consultations of international financial institutions;
Ensure the management of administrative affairs and human resources;
Prepare, develop and execute the budget of the general management;
Manage the assets of the general management.
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