
Directorate General of National Financial Institutions (DGIFN) - A new Insurance company moves to Congo.

The cabinet director of the Ministry of Finance and Budget, Henri Loundou, officially launched the activities of a new Insurance company, called Africaine des Assurances Congo (AAC). The ceremony was held on Thursday 13 December 2018 in Brazzaville (Republic of Congo).

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Audience at the Ministry of Finance - Désiré Nguédon, Secretary-General of BEAC, reports on his mission in Congo.

The Minister of Finance and Budget, Calixte Nganongo, received in audience, Wednesday 12 December 2018 in Brazzaville, the Secretary-General of the Bank of Central African States (BEAC). Their interview focused on the activities inscribed in his mission in Congo, one of the six Members States of the Central Bank.

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The Minister of Finance and Budget pays last tribute to Fulbert Morossa

Deceased on December 2, 2018, the director of human resources and training (DRHF), Fulbert Morossa was buried, Tuesday, December 11 at the private cemetery Bouka, north of Brazzaville.Deceased on December 2, 2018, the director of human resources and training (DRHF), Fulbert Morossa was buried, Tuesday, December 11 at the private cemetery Bouka, north of Brazzaville.

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Congo/France Cooperation: the approval of five projects with high social impact

The minister of Finance and Budget, Calixte Nganongo and the French ambassador to Congo, Bertrand Cochery, signed, on November 27 in Brazzaville, the financing agreements as part of the debt relief and development contract (C2D). Estimated at nearly 43 billion FCFA, the projects are mainly intended for underpriviledged social stratums, health and education.

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Ministry of Finance and Budget - Meeting of restitution and approval of the General Report of the Workshops on the Public Finance Reform Strategy Paper

The Ministry of Finance and Budget, Calixte Nganongo, called on, Tuesday 20 November 2018 in Brazzaville, the directors general and the heads of service of financial authorities to take the train of the reform.  This reform is defined in the General Report of the workshops held from March 1 to April 11, which resulted in the preparation of the Comprehensive Public Financial Management Strategy Paper (2018-2022).

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Continuation of the seminar on the presentation of the new legal framework and SIGFIP in Kintélé

Saturnin Ipodo-Nzingou, Director of accounting centralization and deputy project manager of SIGFIP user-group, representing Henry Loundou, director of cabinet of the Ministry of Finance and Budget, opened the workshops of the seminar on the presentation of the new legal framework and the public finance management integrated system, Monday 12 November 2018, in Kintélé, a northern suburb of Brazzaville.

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The Treasury organizes a workshop Seminar on mechanisms for the securization of Congo's domestic public debt

From Thursday 08 to Friday 09 November 2018 in Brazzaville, thirty or so agents from administrations and financial authorities’ institutions are attending a workshop seminar on mechanisms for the seucrization of Congo's domestic pubic debt. The worksops have been initiated by Henri Loundou, director of cabinet of the Minister of Finance and Budget, Calixte Nganongo, monetary Authority.

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Congo-IMF talks continue

Led by Alex Segura-Ubiergo, an IMF mission arrived in Brazzaville since Sunday 5 November 2018. Supported by a representative of the World Bank, it is part of the continuation of negotiations started in 2017 between the Bretton Woods institution and the Republic of Congo, whose file is awaited at the next IMF executive Board in Washington, which will decide on the conclusion of a financing three-year programme agreement aimed at boosting Congo's macroeconomic equilibrium.  

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The Minister Calixte Nganongo granted an audience to the Ambassador Ma Fulin

On Monday 29 October 2018 in Brazzaville, after the audience granted to him by Calixte Nganongo, Minister of Finance and Budget, The Chinese ambassador to Congo, Ma Fulin said that "China has suggested that the negotiations on the debt of Congo to his country start on November 05, 2018".

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