
Congo-World Bank cooperation

On Wednesday 22 September 2021, Ludovic Ngatsé, Minister Delegate in charge of the Budget to Rigobert Roger Andely, Minister of Finance, Budget and Public Portfolio, received in audience Mrs Korotoumou Ouattara, Resident Representative of the World Bank (WB) in Congo and Mrs Carine Clert, Human Development Programme Coordinator for Central Africa.

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Meeting between African Finance Ministers and IMF Managing Director

The Congolese Minister Delegate for the budget, Ludovic Ngatsé, represented on Thursday 30 September 2021, his colleague of Finance, Budget and Public Portfolio, Rigobert Roger Andely, at the biannual meeting between African Ministers of Finance and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), represented by its Managing Director, Kristalina Georgieva. 

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IMF Press release

Following the consultation mission on the economic policies implemented by the Congolese government, under the provisions of Article IV of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), conducted from 12 to 24 September 2021, the Executive Board of this institution, held on 24 September 2021 in Washington (United States), examined the mission report and noted with satisfaction that the Congolese economy is in a recovery phase. However, to strengthen this trend, it will need to undertake major additional structural reforms, as described in the final communiqué below.

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On Thursday 9 September 2021 in Brazzaville, Clément Belibanga, Commissioner in charge of the Department of Economic, Monetary and Financial Policies<x at the Commission of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC), spoke to the press at the end of his meeting with the Minister of Finance, Budget and Public Portfolio, Rigobert Roger Andely, accompanied by his colleague, Ludovic Ngatsé, who is in charge of the Budget. He said the following about the purpose of his mission to Congo-Brazzaville.

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Construction of the Dolisie-Kibangou section of the Brazzaville/Libreville Corridor

On Monday 16 August 2021 in Brazzaville, Rigobert Roger Andely, Congolese Minister of Finance, Budget and Public Portfolio, and Fortunato-Ofa Mbo Nchama, President of the Development Bank of Central African States (BDEAC), signed a First Loan Agreement to fund the construction of the Dolisie-Kibangou road section (including the bridge over the Niari), a link in the Corridor connecting Brazzaville-Dolisie (Congo) and Libreville (Gabon). This loan is estimated at CFAF 32,800 million.


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National Assembly/Senate

The Two Houses of Parliament, led respectively by Isidore Mvouba, Speaker of the National Assembly, and Pierre Ngolo, President of the Senate, have examined and adopted with amendment in the National Assembly and without amendment in the Senate unanimously, the Draft Amending Finance Bill for the 2021 financial year, Sunday 8 and Monday 9 August 2021. The Finance Law for the year 2021 is set at CFA francs 1,671 billion 635 million in revenue and CFA francs 1,521 billion 15 million in expenditure. 

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Closing of the training of credit and microfinance institutions

On Friday 6 August 2021, at the headquarters of the Bank of Central African States (BEAC) in Brazzaville (Republic of Congo), the Secretary General of the National Economic and Financial Committee of Congo (CNEF), Michel Dzombala, concluded the training of agents and managers of credit and microfinance institutions on the Nomenclature of Activities of Afristat Member States (NAEMA) and on the information of the file of declarations of Global Effective Rates (TEG).

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National Economic and Financial Committee of Congo (CNEF)

From Tuesday 3 to Friday 6 August 2021 in Brazzaville, more than 80 agents of credit and microfinance institutions will be undergoing, face to face and by videoconference, a training on the Information of declarations file of Overall Effective Rates (TEG) and on the Extension of the calculation of TEG to Microfinance Institutions (MFI). 

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