Customs & Tax - Two new Directors General take office

04 jan, 2019

The two newly appointed directors made the commitment, at the end of the transfer of service with their respective predecessors namely: Jean Alfred Onanga and Antoine Ngakosso, to work with all the senior officials and agents of these two major financial institutions of Congo-Brazzaville, in order to bail out the State's coffers. According to the forecast s of the financial bill 2019 recently adopted in the Parliament, Customs should contribute up to 130 billion F CFA, while Taxes would bring 837 billion F CFA. 

The new director general of Customs and indirect taxation, formerly tax and customs advisor to minister Calixte Nganongo, is an administrative and financial service administrator (SAF), PhD in economic sciences, with a Master 2 in Bank-currency and Finance (CBF) obtained at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. He is also a Computer Netwworks and Telecommunications Engineer. 

As advisor to the minister of Finance and Budget, he was the coordinator of tax and customs reforms, and chairman of the commission for clearing tax and customs disputes. He was also the focal point of the bilateral cooperation with the Republic of Rwanda as part of exchange of experiences on financial reforms.

The director general of taxes and State property is a holder of a diploma in tax inspection, obtained at the National School of Taxation and Finance of Brussels (Belgium). He is 7th grade chief inspector of taxes and had occupied the position of central director of oil taxation since 2018, in Pointe-Noire.



The Press office of the Ministry of Finance