Continuation of the seminar on the presentation of the new legal framework and SIGFIP in Kintélé

The procedural Guides of the execution of State budget expenditures at the centre of exchange
12 nov, 2018

Saturnin Ipodo-Nzingou, Director of accounting centralization and deputy project manager of SIGFIP user-group, representing Henry Loundou, director of cabinet of the Ministry of Finance and Budget, opened the workshops of the seminar on the presentation of the new legal framework and the public finance management integrated system, Monday 12 November 2018, in Kintélé, a northern suburb of Brazzaville.



" The seminar that opens today is the continuation of the information and trainig session that beganOctober1, 2018 ", Saturnin Ipodo-Nzingou said."SIGFIP is the computer counterpart of the new budget execution framework. Its complete implementation will enable our country to make a major leap in the modern world, in terms of budget preparation, revenue and expenditure execution, as well as all the financial information exchanged between the various authorities of the Country", he added. 

From Monday 12 to Saturday 17 November 2018, public finance managers from the Ministries of Land Affairs and State property, in charge of relations with the parliament; of planning, equipment of the territory, major works, trade, supplies and consumption; equipment and road maintenance; tourism and environnment, as well as constitutional institutions such as the Senate and the Civil Society Advisory Council and the General Secretariat of the Presidency, will discuss the State budget execution procedures guides.

Let's remind that the Republic of Congo embarked on the process of modernizing its public finance management system, based on the harmonization framework directives issued by Central Africa Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC). This country has thus transposed these directives into two laws and four decrees. In particular, law no 10-2017 relating to code on transparency and accountability in the public financial management; organic law N0.36-2017 relating to general regulation on public accounts; decree 2018-68 on the State accounting plan; decree 2018-69 on the budgetary nomenclature of the State and decree 2018-70 relating to the table of financial transactions of the State (TOFE).


The press office of the Ministry of Finance