Closing of the Workshop to validate Strategy and budgetary programming documents

11 aoû, 2023

Friday August 11, 2023, at the Kintélé International Conference Center (north of Brazzaville), the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Anatole Collinet Makosso, closed the work of the Validation Workshop of Strategy and budgetary programming documents, on behalf of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.


Of the twenty documents examined, 9 were validated by national and international experts. It's about :

  1. ''Strategic diagnosis'' ;
  2. “Strategic plan of the Ministry of Economy and Finance”;
  3. “Multi-annual program of priority actions of the Ministry of Economy and Finance”;
  4. “Annual performance projects (by Program) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance”;
  5. “Medium-term expenditure framework (MTEF) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance”;
  6. “Priority Action Plan (PAP) of the Minister of Economy and Finance”;
  7. “Budgeted annual work plan (PTAB) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance”;
  8. “Budgeted annual work plans (PTAB) of Administrations (including the Office of the Minister of Economy and Finance and the Directorates attached to the Cabinet) and organizations under supervision”;
  9. “Monitoring and evaluation framework of the Ministry of Economy and Finance”.

These 9 documents were handed over to the responsible Minister, Jean-Baptiste Ondaye, by the 1st Vice-President of the Workshop's work, Gildas Darel Ngouala, Inspector General of Finance (IGF). The Minister of Economy and Finance, in turn, transmitted them to the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Anatole Collinet Makosso, who took note of them.

The 3 messages from Minister Jean-Baptiste Ondaye for the implementation of the Program Budget

The first message from the Minister of Economy and Finance focused on the articulation that exists between the 9 different documents adopted and 3 strategic tools, namely: the Society Project of His Excellency Mr. Denis Sassou-N'Guesso, entitled “Together, let’s continue the walk”; the Government Action Plan –PAG- (notably the 12 battles set out by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, during his address to Parliament meeting in Congress, in June 2021 and debated during the Government Seminar from May 15 to 17 2023; and the National Development Plan (PND, 2022-2023).

“These documents,” he said, “constitute a logical, hierarchical and harmonious framework, which contributes to achieving the same ultimate goal: in this case the improvement of the living conditions of the Congolese and social progress for all” .

The second message from Jean-Baptiste Ondaye was devoted to the implementation of the Program Budget from 2024.

In his opinion “this implementation will provide a structural response to the uncertainties relating to budget execution”, since the Ministry's Action Plan provides for the optimization of resource collection. Minister Jean-Baptiste Ondaye was delighted that the investment budget will no longer serve as an adjustment variable for the operating budget! In this chapter, he recalled the recent Memorandum of Understanding that the Government signed, Tuesday, August 8, 2023, with commercial banks, which establishes the establishment of a Coordination Framework or a Financing Mechanism for public investment projects.

The third message from the Head of the Department of Economy and Finance revolved around the need to both self-evaluate and report, through a monitoring-evaluation system.

Jean-Baptiste Ondaye wanted each entity under supervision to set up user satisfaction surveys and organize periodic monitoring-evaluation meetings.

The Prime Minister’s exhortation to the culture of performance

Taking note of the 9 validated documents, the Prime Minister, Head of Government, welcomed the constant efforts of the Minister of Economy and Finance in favor of the implementation of one of the 12 battles of the Government Action Program (PAG) fulfilling its responsibility, namely that “there will be no prosperous future for Congo-Brazzaville without a rigorous and balanced economic policy”.

“The implementation of the culture of performance is useful for the entire Nation, like ours, which aspires to the emergence and well-being of its population. It will allow everyone to self-evaluate and the various line managers to evaluate performance on the basis of observable, measurable and objective indicators. It will also be a way of adjusting means to objectives. Our objective is to see parliamentarians join in this performance approach, ensuring that it can be translated, for greater legitimacy, by the adoption of legislative texts,” concluded Anatole Collinet Makosso.

The experts' wish

For his part, Maître Constant GOUYOMGBIA-KONGBA-ZEZE, former Central African Minister of State and business lawyer, hoped, on behalf of national and international experts, that the number of ministries required to switch to “Budget-Program” mode is high. Because the task will be delicate, there is only one Finance Law. How to switch to “Budget-Program” mode with 6 pilot ministries, while the others remain in “Budget-Resources” mode?

As a reminder, the 6 pilot ministries cited by the Prime Minister's Memorandum of Wednesday July 12, 2023 are:

  1. Preschool, Primary, Secondary Education and Literacy;
  2. Technical and Vocational Education;
  3. Health and Population;
  4. the Budget, Public Accounts and Public Portfolio;
  5. the Plan, Statistics and Regional Integration;
  6. finally, Economy and Finance.


The Communication Unit of the Ministry of Economy and Finance

Photo credits : B2B Communication