Closing of the training workshop for managerial executives of the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the reform of public finance governance

16 juin, 2023

After five days of training provided by experienced national and expatriate experts, the managerial executives of the Ministry of Economy and Finance were called by their Head of Department, Jean-Baptiste Ondaye, to “become vectors of economic performance and financial situation by 2026. While four recommendations were made to them by the Expert Trainers.

This call was launched on Friday June 16, 2023, at the International Conference Center (CIC) in Kintélé. In the presence of the three other members of the Government. Notably, Ingrid Olga Ghislaine Ebouka-Babackas, Minister of Planning, Statistics and Regional Integration; Luc-Joseph Okio, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, responsible for State Reform; and Jean-Rosaire Ibara, Minister of State Control, Quality of Public Service and the Fight against Anti-values in Public Administration.
The call from Minister Jean-Baptiste Ondaye
After recalling the four tools that the Workshop participants adopted, namely: leadership; change management; Results-Based Performance Management (GAR); monitoring-evaluation and piloting of reforms, and after having received the deliverables of the Workshop (consisting of the Summary Report, the Minister's Plan and the Plan of the Ministry of Economy and Finance), Jean-Baptiste Ondaye s is addressed to managerial executives in these terms:
“Become, as part of the vision of our common action, vectors of economic and financial performance by 2026. Equipped with the lessons learned from the different themes, you have just set the course. You have also just planned your respective actions within a sustainable and achievable logical framework. Keep in mind that the Workshop which has just been held is the trigger for a process of improving the governance of public finances in our country.”
He continued his call by inviting managerial executives to bear in mind that “becoming real actors of change is a commitment to make, to pretend to be useful companions in the management of the various implementation projects of the National Plan of development (PND) 2022-2026”.
Experts' recommendations
For their part, the experts supported the Minister's call by making four recommendations to the participants:
  • First recommendation, capitalize on the participatory approach;

  • Second recommendation, finalize the Strategic Plan;

  • Third recommendation, develop a culture of performance and;

  • Fourth recommendation, create the conditions for leadership to be passed on to future generations.

Other projects in perspective, defined by the Minister of Economy and Finance after the Workshop
In perspective, Minister Jean-Baptiste Ondaye announced other projects. This concerns, in this case, the development, before September 2023, of the steering tools of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, within the framework of the Budget Program, under the Finance Law for year 2024; the finalization, before September 2023, of the various priority action plans of the Minister, the Ministry, the Services and organizations under supervision, based on the tools resulting from the Workshop; the development of a Document on the strategic management of public debt, in addition to the existing Document on the accounting management of this debt; establishing the modalities for implementing the lessons of change drawn from the Workshop.
Note that the splendor of the opening ceremony was enhanced, Monday June 12, 2023, by the presence, among other members of the Government, of Ludovic Ngatsé, Minister of Budget, Public Accounts and Public Portfolio
The Communication Unit of the Ministry of Economy and Finance
Photo credits : B2B Communication