Integrated Public Sector Reform Project (IPSRP)

Opening of the Validation workshop for the Diagnostic Report on the Public Financial Management System in the Republic of Congo/ Brazzaville.
04 sep, 2019

The Validation workshop for the Diagnostic Report and Strategic Scoping Note on the Congo's Public Financial Management System for 2019-2022 opened Wednesday, September 4, 2019, in Brazzaville. The ceremony was held under the auspices of Henri Loundou, director of cabinet, representing Calixte Nganongo, Minister of Finance and Budget. 


 For 2 days, the 120 participants in this workshop, will discuss, amend and finalize the Diagnostic Report and Scoping Note.

In his opening remarks, the director of cabinet recalled that the main objective of public finance reform in Congois  “to strengthen transparency, increase the efficiency of public management and adopt a performance approach through the use of renovated tools, techniques and a modern administrative organization, all this by the year 2022. To do this, it is imperative for us to have a Logical Framework that outlines our steering strategy with a view to coordinating the actions of transversal and sectoral reforms between the various actors and set up a synergy between the various components of the public finance chain”.

The development of a strategic plan meets this objective well. To this end,workshops on the organizational and functional diagnosis were organized, both for the various administrations under the tutelage of the Ministry of Finance and Budget, and actors in the public management chain, within an integrated framework.

 Following an invitation to tender issued by IPSRP, the Cabinet PWC was selected to develop 2019-2022 Strategic Action Plan for steering public finance reforms.

 As a reminder, the Minister of Finance and Budget, Calixte Nganongo, had, during a conference on the reform of public finance, declined his vision for the modernization of public finance management through the effective implementation of the fiscal and tax policy, monetary and financial policy of the State.

The vision of the National Modernization Strategy for the management of public finance is “to establish a sound, transparent, relevant and coherent public financial management system consistent with the country's development objectives ; a system geared toward improving the quality of services provided to the population and in line with international standards by 2020”.   

Note that this trend of public finance reforms initiated in Congo is the result of the country's full implementation of guidelines for the New Harmonized Framework of public finance management of Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC).  


The Press office of the Ministry of Finance