
E.g., 10/06/2024
E.g., 10/06/2024
05 Mar

Health - Anuradha Gupta announces that more than 2 million children are to be vaccinated against measles and rubella in Congo

Calixte Nganongo, Minister of Finance and Budget, received in audience, Tuesday 5 March 2019 in Brazzaville, the Deputy Director of Alliance de vaccin Gavi, Anuradha Gupta, on the occasion of the official launch of the National Immunization Campaign of children aged 9 months to 14 years.

04 Mar

Oil sector - Signing of the production sharing Agreement of the Marine XXI between the Republic of Congo, the National Oil Company of Congo and the American company Kosmos Energy

The Government of the Republic of Congo, represented by the Minister of Hydrocarbons, Jean Marc Thystère Tchicaya, his colleague Minister of Finance and Budget, Calixte Nganongo and the Managing Director of the National Oil company of Congo (SNPC), Maixent Raoul Ominga, on the one hand, and the company Kosmos Energy, represented by its Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Andrew G. Inglis, on the other hand, signed the Production Sharing Agreement (CPP) on the oil field called "Bloc Marine XXI", located in deep sea, off Pointe-Noire.

28 Feb

55th Anniversary of the Sino-Congo Cooperation

As part of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership concluded between the Republic of Congo and the China People's Republic since 2016, the Minister of Finance and the Budget, Calixte Nganongo and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Chinese company West-african group, Hui Kouyin, signed thursday 28 February 2019 in Brazzaville, the Constituent Acts of the National Development Fund of Congo (FNDC).

22 Feb

State of play of the financial departments in the economic capital

The Minister of Finance and Budget, Calixte Nganongo's tour into the ocean city, from Friday 22 to Saturday 23 February 2019, began with a visit of the Pointe-Noire Port Authority and ended with an address to officials and agents of financial departments,...through Congo Terminal, the deposit of non-duty paid goods, the customs car park, the Unit of major companies (UGE) and the Data centre, etc...  

21 Feb

Continuation of the Minister of Finance's visits to divisional financial departments

The continuation of the visits of the Minister of Finance and Budget, Calixte Nganongo in the counties of Congo, was marked by, at the Niari stage, by the visit of the factory of the Chinese forest company Asia Industries Sarl, based in Dolisie; by the tour of the financial departments of this locality, as well as by an address to officials and agents under tutelage.  

16 Feb

Communication from the Minister of Finance at the Prefect Conference in Ouesso

On the theme : “The territorial Administration: its challenges for the year 2019”, the Conference of Prefects extended to president of county and municipal Councils, took place from last Thursday 14 to Saturday 16 February in Ouesso, in the Sangha division. On this occasion, Calixte Nganongo, Ministrer of Finance and Budget, presented on the sub-theme: “Reforming Public FInance Governance and Impact on Local Authorities Tax Revenue.”

15 Feb

First Tour of the Minister of Finance in the Financial Departments of Sangha

The tour of Calixte Nganongo, Minister of Finance and Budget, in the Sangha division, led him, for the first time, to visit the structures under tutelage, from 14 to 15 February 2019.  Especially, Customs, Tax and the Treasury departments in the cities of Pokola, Ouesso and Ngombé. 

14 Feb

Message from the Minister of Finance to Agents of Financial Departments of Sangha

Thursday, February 14, 2019, in the banquet hall of the divisional Directorate of Customs of Ouesso, the Minister of Finance and Budget, Calixte Nganongo, called the officials and agents of the Customs, Tax and Treasury Administration to break with the old practices of the past and to show professionalism.

01 Feb

Cooperation - EU to support Congo in its negotiations with the IMF

Received in audience, Friday 1February 2019, by the Minister of Finance and Budget, Calixte Nganongo, the UE Ambassador to Congo, Raul Mateus Paula,  announced that his institution intends to support the Government of Congo in its negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

23 Jan

Congo/Cuba Cooperation - More than 160 Congolese medical students will return in 2020

The Ambassador of Cuba to Congo, José Antonio Garcia Gonzalez, was received in audience by Calixte Nganongo, Minister of Finance and Budget, in his office, Wednesday, January, 23, 2019, in Brazzaville.