Directorate General of National Financial Institutions (NFIB)

Jean-Pierre Nonault says to his close aids “the new guidelines on the organisation of work and on the new professional line”.
12 Oct, 2021

On Tuesday 12 October 2021 in Brazzaville, the Director General of National Financial Institutions (DGIFN) under the Ministry of Finance, Budget and Public Portfolio, Jean-Pierre Nonault, organised the first official meeting with his senior staff and agents, after three months of observation out of the five since his induction. 


These Executives and agents include the Administrative and Financial Director (DAF), Serge Clotaire Etou; the Director of Credit Institutions and Related services, Douniama Ibougna; the Director of Insurance, Elvis Nzengued; the Director of Microfinance, Franck Koumou; the Head of Service Control, Roger Batty; and the Head of IT, Elenga Ngamporo Okina. Each Director or Central Manager presented the missions as well as the problems of his or her structure, and undertook to work under the new guidelines and the new professional line defined by the new Director General, in order to give back credentials to their structure. Each of them offered their warmest congratulations to the new Director General on his appointment.

Exhortation of the Director General to solidarity and love of work well done  

We need efficiency. In order to achieve this, I attach importance to all the staff, because this objective cannot be achieved without you, senior staff and agent,” Jean-Pierre Nonault said.

“The objective is to accelerate the transformation of the DGIFN and to identify our work on the perimeter of intervention that has been entrusted to us. One of our challenges is to promote financial inclusion and to remain a dynamic, proactive, innovative institution that is close to its partners. 

This path to excellence is traced thanks to the combined action of our teams' know-how and the synergy of our businesses. Also, every day, the General Management strives to ensure the regulation and promotion of the Congolese financial sector.

Building a solid General Management to move forward requires “sacrifices” and “love of work”. I urge you to work hard, to be more punctual, disciplined and available. My aim is to give value and credibility to the DGIFN, so that it comes out of the shadows. But this is only possible with the support of all. We must all commit ourselves, with determination and loyalty, to give substance and consistency to our vision, the vision of a modern public administration.

According to Director General Jean-Pierre Nonault, the urgent challenges to be met include the renovation of the buildings housing the various central directorates of the DGIFN; the acquisition of three new liaison vehicles dedicated to the staff to carry out their tasks; the training of agents; the computerisation of all the management processes of the DGIFN; the digitalisation of the administration and archives of the DGIFN and the opening of a discussion on the possibility of setting up a mutual health insurance scheme for DGIFN staff.

As a reminder, the DGIFN’s legal existence is based on Decree 2010/561 of 3 August 2010 on its attributions and organisation.


The Press Office of the Ministry of Finance
