The Directorate General of public procurement control, under the authority of its Director General, oversees the application of public procurement regulations and public service delegations.
The Directorate General of public procurement control is made of:
3 main directorates concerning:
Legal affairs and studies ;
Administrative affairs ;
Information and assistance ;
As well as :
Specialized commissions charged with the preliminary examination of public procurement procedures or public service delegations ;
A technical committee comprising the Director General of Public Procurement Control, the Director of Legal Affairs and Studies, the Administrative Director, the Director of Information and Assistance. The committee coordinates the control activities carried out by the specialized committees.
The three directorates composing the Directorate General of public procurement control are mainly responsible for :
To control a priori the procedure for awarding and monitoring the procedures for executing public contracts and public service delegations by the contracting authorities, in accordance with the Public Procurement Code ;
To examine, at the level of the awarding bodies, the regularity of the procedures for recourse to competition and award of public contracts and public service delegations, the transparency of the process of the said contracts and delegations and to ascertain the nature of the acceptable administrative, financial and technical conditions ;
Give no-objection opinions and authorization decisions in the framework of the award, award or execution of public contracts or public service delegations, rendered vis-à-vis the contracting authorities in accordance with to the public procurement code ;
Its mission is at 4 levels :
Under the public procurement procedure and the public service delegations ;
Under the award procedure for public contracts and public service delegations ;
Under the procedure for the execution of public contracts and public service delegations ;
Under the missions in consultation with the public procurement regulatory authority ;