Minister Jean-Baptiste ONDAYE exercises a particularly important function within the government of Congo. Its role is extensive. It implements and controls the execution of the policy initiated by the President of the Republic in the fields of Economy and Finance.
The Minister of Economy and Finance implements the policy of the Nation in the areas of economy and finance. As such, he is responsible, in particular, for:
1 - In terms of the economy
- draw up economic regulations;
- ensure the application of economic regulations;
- highlight the economic potential of the Congo;
- ensure the design, management, monitoring and analysis of State policy in the area of management and economic development;
- Participate in the promotion and development of national investments and foreign direct investments;
- promote the attractiveness, emergence and development of growth poles;
- encourage the participation of donors in the financing of national and community development projects;
- define and apply measures to promote competitiveness, growth and development of the economy;
- monitor the evolution of the national economy and propose any suitable measure for revitalization or adjustment;
- contribute to the development and implementation of policies aimed at the development of the private economy;
- carry out studies and economic forecasts;
- Participate in monitoring multilateral convergence and the economic and financial reform program of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC).
2 - With regard to finance
- develop financial and monetary regulations and ensure their application;
- draw up finance bills and monitor their execution, together with the ministers in charge of the plan and the budget;
- exercise control over the finances of the State, local authorities and public establishments;
- manage and coordinate the activity of the financial authorities;
- monitor the situation of the single treasury account at the central bank;
- Regulate, if necessary, the programming of disbursements by the Paymaster General, according to available resources;
- ensure the management of public finances and ensure control of the major economic, financial and monetary balances;
- participate in and ensure, as a monetary authority, the regulation of the activities of credit, insurance, micro-finance and foreign exchange institutions;
- propose and implement the national debt policy and manage the public debt;
- monitor multilateral convergence;
- manage international financial relations;
- negotiate, conclude and implement financial programs with external partners;
- develop and implement tax and customs reforms;
- keep, close and consolidate the accounts of the State, in concert with the Minister in charge of the budget and public accounts;
- participate in the design of the investment policy;
- carry out the work of assessment, control and recovery of public resources;
- seek additional resources for the financing of the State budget.